Creighton School District #14
Do you know about Arizona's great tax credits? They let you support kids and families for free. Every donated dollar can come back to you through Arizona state tax credits. Every dollar counts! Donate now, stop hunger, build strong families, and change kid’s tomorrows across Creighton.
Thank you for being a part of Creighton!
Communities and schools complement each other. Strong communities make stronger schools, and strong schools keep our communities strong.
It takes a village to raise a child, and Creighton Community Foundation is in the business of investing in strong villagers.
embracing schools as resources
equipping with bridge builders
building strong communities
Interested in more details? Click below for a bit more about us.
Our physical address:
Please contact us by phone, email, or text message for operations locations and hours - we operate from six community sites on different days of the week.
*Please do not send postal mail to any site except our mailing address!
Our mailing address:
3219 E Camelback Rd, #376
Phoenix, Arizona 85018
(Please note, this is not a service address, mailing only!)
Creighton School District boundaries encompass approximately the 202 highway to the south, 16th street to the west, Indian School road to the north, and 40th street to the east, with an extension between 32nd and 40th streets all the way to just north of Lincoln drive. In our community? Get in touch, and ask how you can help support our schools.
We have many volunteer activities, for all ages (all!), for individuals, and for large groups. Individuals or small groups feel free to sign up at the link in this footer. Groups larger than 8, please email us, and we'll help get you set.
Weekly we have a large hunger relief event on Saturday AM and garden projects of all sorts that welcome one time or repeat volunteers. Our Facebook page and Instagram are often the best place to get a feel for these activities.
With advanced planning, we can readily help specialized corporate or group gatherings of 200 or more make a huge rewarding and memorable impact in our community if you have funding for materials and supplies.
Creighton Community Foundation was incorporated and recognized with 501c3 status as of March of 2013. We are a group of community leaders focused on equipping Creighton School District #14 in Phoenix, Arizona with the resources to deliver excellent educational services, in the most sustainable way possible, amidst our diverse urban Phoenix neighborhoods.
This organization is an equal opportunity employer and provider!
Copyright © 2024 | Creighton Community Foundation, Inc. | 3219 E Camelback Rd, #376 | Phoenix, AZ 85018