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Identity, Relationships, and Gifts

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Thank you, for coming here, and considering helping a kid.

In August, 2018 we've received a beautiful gift for our work, with a requirement of a match. Will you take this opportunity to double your own donation through (up to $10,000) and help us put this matching gift to work?

What does it do? If you've arrived here without an invitation - our apologies. Our work with kids is about identity and relationships, and helping each kid to be everything they were made to be, through classroom work, afterschool work, and connecting where they live. Send us an email if you'd like more detail:

Thank you for everything you do.

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Creighton School District #14 website -
DID YOU DONATE A TAX CREDIT? Download Arizona State Tax Form 321 a for Arizona Qualified Charitable Organization.
Our Community
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Creighton School District boundaries encompass approximately the 202 highway to the south, 16th street to the west, Indian School road to the north, and 40th street to the east, with an extension between 32nd and 40th streets all the way to just north of Lincoln drive. In our community? Get in touch, and ask how you can help support our schools.
About Us

Creighton Community Foundation was incorporated in March of 2013, and received Federal 501(c)3 status in April of 2015. We are a group of community leaders focused on equipping Creighton School District #14 in Phoenix, Arizona with the resources to deliver excellent educational services, in the most sustainable way possible, amidst our diverse urban Phoenix neighborhoods.

This organization is an equal opportunity employer and provider!

Visit Us
Our physical address:
During COVID-19 we are operating projects out of David Crockett School at 501 N 36th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008
Mailing address:
3219 E Camelback Rd, #376, Phoenix AZ 85018

Copyright © 2019 | Creighton Community Foundation, Inc. | 3219 E Camelback Rd, #376 | Phoenix, AZ 85018